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Spiritual Treatment

Love For Others

Individuals in recovery need to feel and show love for others in order to fully heal and transform their lives.

Love For Others And Addiction Recovery

Love is a healthy emotional attachment and relationship between friends and family members. Loving others shows a deep connection to the people around us. With love for others, we find ways to bond with them in the present moment. When we love others, we can encourage them to heal their pain, develop support, and discover empathy. Our ability to love others reveals an inspiring humanity in us.

Examples of loving others can include honoring, trusting, and valuing them. Saying a kind word to someone who puts themselves down can transform their psyche, leaving a lasting impact on them. Loving others creates healing, as we break away from addiction and its stigmas into core change.

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Respecting Others As an Act of Love

Respect is a necessary component of healthy relationships. Respect comes with embracing acceptance, not judging others, valuing the viewpoints of others, actively listening, having forgiveness, showing compassion, and appreciating each other’s’ personalities. When we respect each other, we are able to see the value they have to offer with an openness to their core being. When we listen to others, for example, we revere their words as important. We can attune with them as we give them our attention.

Respect as an act of love for others can include encouraging and supporting others as they try to maintain sobriety. Support is one of the most important elements for healing and growth. When someone we love is struggling with darker moments, we can provide encouragement and support by actively listening, showing compassion and empathy, and asking how we can help. We can additionally express our gratitude for a friend, family member, or recovery peer, respecting their being and nurturing our relationships.

Having Compassion For Others

Having compassion for others allows us to empathize with them and see ourselves in them. Compassion is defined as kindness and sympathy we have for ourselves and for other people. This is an act of healing which can help alleviate pain and encourage others to heal.

Compassion reminds us that we human beings are all doing the very best we can despite our adversities. Compassion enables us to release anger and unnecessary conflicts with the understanding that people change and make mistakes. We are still human and accepting who we are, regardless of where we are from, is central to feeling and expressing compassion for others.

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Forgiving Others

Forgiveness is inextricably intertwined with self-development and spiritual growth. Forgiveness also plays a pivotal role in the formation and maintenance of healthy relationships. There is a significant correlation between forgiveness and health, especially in relation to stress. Forgiveness is proven to reduce stress levels and increase levels of happiness.

Through forgiveness, one overcomes criticism, anger, hatred, blame, frustration, resentment, hostility, rumination, revenge, and other negative feelings, thoughts and behaviors in a healthy manner. Forgiving others creates stronger relationships and encourages bonds to be made as we grow and understand one another. When we practice forgiveness, we are able to show others love by choosing to be understanding of their faults and messy pasts and open to flowing with them in new ways. Forgiveness not only reveals love for others but reflects a maturity in sustaining connections with people as they evolve.

Accepting Others As They Are

The ability to accept others as they are allows us to fully love them. Despite their personality traits not being how we’d like or wish, we cannot love people and expect them to change just for us. Loving others with the expectation that things should go our way is not a reflection of love, but a sign of control or the need to fix others, also manifesting as codependency.

Practicing non-judgement of others gives ourselves and others the freedom to be themselves. In accepting others, we become more truthful in accepting the reality of the moment, of their potential and of our connection to all of the above as an act of love.

Being Of Service To Others

Being of service to others allows us to naturally love them by helping them when in need. Volunteering our time to others allows us to recognize that we are works in progress, while connecting to the progress that others are trying to make. Helping others can make us happy, reduce stress, and build community.  Assisting others also keeps us humble as we put others needs before our own, reducing depression and enhancing self-esteem.

Know A Loved One Who Is In Need of Help?

Loving someone includes wanting the best for them. If you know a loved one struggling with addiction, contact a treatment provider today.

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