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Hydrocodone Addiction Treatment

Hydrocodone is used to treat acute and chronic pain, but if used more than prescribed, Hydrocodone use can develop into addiction, withdrawal, and fatal overdose.

Hydrocodone Addiction Statistics

The Opioid epidemic in America has taken its toll on Opioid users. Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, Fentanyl, and other types of pharmaceutical drugs have been used for illicit purposes. In many cases of America’s Opioid epidemic, individuals started out as patients taking the aforementioned drugs, only to transition to street-grade Opioids like Heroin and illicit Fentanyl once they became addicted and could no longer obtain a valid prescription. Hydrocodone is highly addictive and is used to treat acute and chronic pain, chronic coughs, and more; if taken in larger amounts, Hydrocodone can create respiratory depression, tolerances, withdrawal, and overdoses. Someone can abuse Hydrocodone if they take more than the prescribed dose, taking others’ supply, combining it with other drugs, and intending to abuse it for reasons outside of its prescribed use. In this case, someone may need Hydrocodone addiction treatment to manage withdrawal symptoms and cease use.

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Hydrocodone Addiction Treatment

If attempts to cease Hydrocodone use result in negative experiences like withdrawal symptoms, treatment is needed. Furthermore, if someone endures difficulty with going cold turkey, he or she should consider professional treatment to support their recovery efforts. Typically, individuals receive Suboxone® to help with Hydrocodone addiction. Aside from Suboxone®, if someone goes to a treatment facility, they have other supporting treatment methods that can help with recovery. Some facilities offer therapeutic approaches such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), meditation, yoga, adventure therapy, and support groups. Detoxification includes medication to manage changes in the nervous system, which helps reduce cravings for the drug. When done alone, detox can be uncomfortable and intense; however, in the care of a qualified medical professional, detox can be very effective.

Hydrocodone Addiction Prevention

An effective way to carefully monitor Opioids and prevent misuse is to effectively manage medication. One way is to take the recommended dosage as prescribed. Secondly, being aware of side effects once taking such medications can help to monitor how one feels. Lastly, being mindful of not combining other chemicals like alcohol or other drugs can prevent issues, complicated side effects, and accidental overdoses.

Signs Of Hydrocodone Addiction And Abuse

When someone seeks the drug for reasons outside of its intended use and becomes dependent, they are in the process of developing an addiction. Additionally, someone combining Hydrocodone with other substances risks furthering their likelihood of Opioid Use Disorder. Moreover, when an individual needs more of a drug to feel same effects, they have developed a tolerance. Once tolerance is developed, typically, a drug dependence follows. Physical symptoms signaling a Hydrocodone addiction include, but not limited to:

  • Decreased heartbeat
  • Seizures
  • Blurred vision
  • Inability to control or stop Hydrocodone use
  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Slowed breathing
  • Constipation
  • Euphoria
  • Ear ringing
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Clammy skin
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Withdrawal
  • Combining Hydrocodone with other drugs
  • Confusion
  • Muscle weakness or pain

Individuals struggling with addiction may also “doctor shop,” meaning they’ll visit several doctors and pretend to be sick. The goal is to hoard prescription medications in order to redistribute them or abuse them. Withdrawal occurs as the body adjusts to being without Hydrocodone. As someone becomes addicted, the Opioid receptors in the brain and throughout the body bind with the Opioids, causing the effects of addiction.

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Unfortunately, the body suffers intense withdrawal symptoms to compensate for the body being used to the supply of Opioids. In the case of avoiding the pain and discomfort of Hydrocodone withdrawal, it is not uncommon for someone to continue taking Hydrocodone to feel normal, especially when ceasing use proves to be difficult. In this case, professional assistance can be beneficial as the individual has medications that assist in each stage of withdrawal with ongoing supervision and support.

Hydrocodone Withdrawal Timeline

The effects of Hydrocodone can be felt in 12 hours or less and can last up to 14 days. In the case of an addiction, being aware of withdrawal symptoms can help track progress.

Hydrocodone Withdrawal Timeframes
First 48 Hours Of Withdrawal The individual may experience milder symptoms like stomach aches, to more intensive symptoms like cravings, depression, and anxiety.
3 to 5 Days Of Withdrawal The individual experiences muscle aches, diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea on the third day. By the fifth day of withdrawal, the individual may not feel the withdrawal symptoms as intensely as they did in the first 48 hours.
6 to 14 Days Of Withdrawal During this time, individuals feel the psychological symptoms of withdrawal rather than the physical ones. Symptoms like anxiety and depression occur. In some cases, people can reflect on their behavior or addiction and feel embarrassed and guilty.
2 Weeks of Withdrawal and After At this stage, anxiety can be present, and around for months and years post-withdrawal. It is important someone gets therapy and treatment for anxiety to offset such feelings. Additionally, it may be helpful to include personal regimens to combat anxiety that can occur at this stage.

Take Control Today

Individuals who suffer from a Hydrocodone addiction do not have to heal alone. Admittance is the first step in recovering. Contact a treatment provider today and discover your options for Hydrocodone addiction treatment.

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