What Is Dexedrine?
Dexedrine is a brand name given to Dextroamphetamine. A central nervous system (CNS) stimulant, the purpose of Dexedrine is to help people who are suffering from some kind of disorder that makes it hard for them to focus or stay awake. Dexedrine is commonly used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Narcolepsy.
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Effects of Dexedrine
Dexedrine, like other Amphetamines, stimulates the release of dopamine in the user’s brain and blocks excess dopamine from being transported away. As a result, the user becomes more alert. In users with ADHD, the effects of Dexedrine can help them focus their mind. This is especially noticeable for young children in classroom settings.
Dexedrine has been shown to have more positive effects with reduced side effects than other chemicals in the Amphetamine family. However, Dextroamphetamine is still a Schedule II drug as defined by the FDA. This means that, despite its medical use, it is at a high risk for abuse. The side effects of Dexedrine become more severe with larger doses.
These side effects include:
- Headache
- Difficulty sleeping
- Restlessness
- Dry mouth
- Weight loss
- Circulation problems
- Tremors
- Fever
Greater doses will increase the danger of these side effects and can also trigger overdose.
More dangerous side effects of Dexedrine that have been reported include:
- Nausea/vomiting
- Rapid heartbeat
- Dizziness
- Difficulty thinking clearly
- Manic behavior
- Aggressive behavior
- Hallucinations
- Psychotic symptoms
- Trouble breathing
- Seizures
If you, or someone you love, experience these symptoms, then seek out the prescribing doctor immediately. These can be a sign that the medication is not working, there may be a better prescription, or even that the patient was misdiagnosed.
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Why Use Dexedrine?
Dexedrine is often prescribed to people diagnosed with different attention disorders, most notably ADHD. Though Adderall is more popular, Dexedrine can work just as well or better in some cases. There are also generic forms of Dexedrine that can be administered as a pill or liquid.
11% of children, 6.4 million aged 4–17 years had been diagnosed with ADHD by 2011.
69% of children, 3.5 million, that currently had ADHD were being medicated.
There was a 28% increase from 2007 to 2011 of children with ADHD on medication.
Dexedrine Addiction
Many people will begin using Dexedrine because they received it as a prescription. However, given the addictive nature of Amphetamines and other CNS stimulants, the human brain is quick to acquire a dependency. This means that the brain will restructure itself to crave the stimulant. The first sign of this budding dependence is building a tolerance.
As people build up a tolerance, they find that the medication is not as effective as it once was. Eventually, as their tolerance grows, they find that they are having an even harder time focusing, staying alert, and waking up without the medication. As someone uses more pills to cover the effects, they need it more and more. After that, it is only a matter of time before their current prescription runs out. Unable to go to the doctor for more, they begin to feel the symptoms of withdrawal.
Recovery From Dexedrine Addiction
Many people won’t realize they’ve developed an addiction until their prescription runs out. At that time, they feel the symptoms of withdrawal. Since Dexedrine is a long-term prescription, the person using it could rationalize that they don’t have a problem if they have a prescription. However, if you notice that a loved one is consistently running out of their prescription and have to go a few days, or even weeks before acquiring more, this could mean they’ve become addicted to their medication.
If you use Dexedrine, or any stimulant, and believe that you are in the beginning stages of addiction, try talking to your doctor. If you are afraid that you’ve already developed an addiction, or don’t know how to talk to someone, try reaching out to a dedicated treatment provider. They are here to answer your questions about treatment and rehab.
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